Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Apple equals Luxury.

It’s no surprise that Apple is a successful brand. They announce a new product, and people around the world sit anxiously at the edge of their seats as they watch the stream of their keynote online. Recently, they announced their new line of the MacBook Pro series.

The design is smooth, sleek and minimal as it usually is, and just screams exclusive and luxurious. In its most boosted performance specifications, a 15-inch MacBook Pro is priced up to a whopping $7,000! $7,000! A laptop that clearly markets well to the wealthy, but that’s the highest extreme in the situation. Their lowest end model of the new MacBook Pro series costs as low as $1,800, and while incredibly cheaper than their highest priced model, the low-end 13-inch MacBook Pro remains relatively expensive.

But, what’s not to love? Owning this MacBook Pro specifies an elite-like status to one that bears it. Hip. Cool. Trendy. Although, as luxurious as the product is, there’s more than meets the eyes. Apple products have always been known to provide powerful and long-lasting performance products. I personally still own an iPhone 5S that can probably still run laps around most modern-day smartphones without problems. 

Surprisingly, it’s not only the power within the hardware that runs more miles than a decade old vehicle but its construction as well; all built with 100% recycled products. Apple was the first company to introduce the unibody form factor into its devices, made of strong aluminum metal that didn’t only provide strength, but elegance in its appearance and other companies didn’t hesitate to follow in its footsteps. Companies like Dell and Asus have adopted so much of the design, I’ve personally had to do a double-take and make sure I didn’t just see a MacBook Pro in the Windows section of a Best Buy.

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