Monday, November 5, 2018

Click-Clack, Bring Me Back... to Classic Keyboards

The world of personal computers has vastly advanced since it was released back in 1975. I remember vividly the time my family had purchased our very first desktop computer for the household. It was huge! A clunky computer tower that still took floppy disks and a gigantic CRT tube monitor that took up the entire desk leaving very little real estate for the keyboard and mouse. 

Fast forward to today, we’ve advanced to incredibly low-profile computers such as laptops and tablets that carry much more power and are so portable that they slip right into your backpack. Although the convenience of portability is undoubtedly impressive, it came at the sacrifice of some functionalities such as removing disk drives, device ports, and headphone jacks for the sake of size. One of the major changes in the strive to make these devices even more portable is creating keyboards at an even lower profile and to be quite honest, I’m not a big fan.

We need keyboards that push back. Keyboards that give us enough resistance to rest our fingers on keys without accidentally stroking a key. College students that have to type out thousands of papers with thousands of words feel the pain. Some consumers out there actually get by with using tablets such as iPads as their designated personal computer and those don’t even have a physical keyboard for efficient typing. 

Related imageLuckily, a company by the name Qwerkytoys, Inc has created a keyboard that not only brings back the marvelous tactile keyboard we’ve all grown accustomed to but in an elegant way that resembles the original typing machine, the typewriter; a writer's dream. With the use of social media platforms, it will be no problem shining light back on to this retro machine. The company will be releasing exclusive color schemes and promoting it through Marvel's Daredevil series available on Netflix.

"I hit the keys, I hear the sound, and I’m more aware I’ve just written a word. I put more care into carefully crafting each sentence in my mind before I write."

Image result for qwerkywriter
So, if you've been looking for a beautiful piece to set on your work desk, or have just been tired of accidental typos and pressing that backspace key more times than you'd like, then pick up a Qwerkywriter S Typewriter-Inspired Mechanical Keyboard and sign up with Qwerkytoys' newsletter to receive updates on how to win an exclusive Marvel's Daredevil Qwertywriter!

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